[Araucaria Dx] [Guara DX Group] WAZ - Delay
xavier.py7zy em gmail.com
Sexta Dezembro 4 17:08:45 -03 2020
Really is +1 boo Kdim..73
Em qua, 2 de dez de 2020 10:05, Paulo PV8DX paulopv8dx em gmail.com [gdxg] <
gdxg em yahoogrupos.com.br> escreveu:
> Pessoal bom dia
> Para quem solicitou ou pensa em solicitar.
> O normal era 6 meses para receber.... Agora + 1 Kdim 😉
> 73 de Paulo PV8DX
> There have been several problems with our certificates lately that seem to
> be causing huge delays in shipping them to our customers.
> 1) We did not foresee such a huge demand for WAZ certificates when the
> ARRL allowed us access to Logbook of the World, so CQ has been flooded by
> WAZ certificate requests.
> 2) There is only one person who works on engraving the certificates, and
> they have been overwhelmed with the increased demand, they also work on our
> other award certificates, which has created a large backlog.
> 3) As we were beginning to catch up with the demand, the COVID-19 pandemic
> forced us to shutdown our office for three months.
> 4) Even as we returned and began sending out certificates, there are a
> number of countries that are not accepting mail from the U.S. due to the
> lingering high rates of infection still ongoing in the U.S. Thus, putting
> another hold on outgoing foreign mail.
> We are trying to catch up as fast as we can, and when the mail begins to
> move again, we will send them as fast as we can. We apologize for the long
> delay in getting the WAZ certificates and hope we can start moving them as
> soon as possible.
> Sincerely,
> Jason Feldman, KD2IWM
> Managing Editor
> CQ Amateur Radio
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Enviado por: Paulo PV8DX <paulopv8dx em gmail.com>
> ------------------------------
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> __,_._,___
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