(Araucaria) Fwd: [1641897.cq-ww-cw] PP5AX

Carlos Cintra - PP5AX pp5ax.case em gmail.com
Segunda Novembro 28 15:38:39 BRST 2016

Olá pessoal, participei um pouco do CQWW CW neste fim de semana somente em
40 metros, pois só dispunha da na noite de sabado e do domingo, então SOSB
40 me pareceu uma boa opção... foram apenas 164 QSOs em 5 horas de
participação,  mas a recepção este ano estava dificil demais aqui em
Joinville, principalmente no domingo a noite... mas valeu... e até o

Carlos Cintra - PP5AX
Joinville - SC
55 47 8859-6909

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Contest Robot <unreplyable em cqww.com>
Date: 2016-11-28 15:30 GMT-02:00
Subject: [1641897.cq-ww-cw] PP5AX
To: Carlos Cintra - PP5AX <pp5ax.case em gmail.com>

2016 CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW

             Callsign: PP5AX
    Category-Operator: SINGLE-OP
 Category-Transmitter: ONE
        Category-Band: 40M
       Category-Power: HIGH
    Category-Assisted: NON-ASSISTED
                 Club: Araucaria DX Group
                 Name: Carlos Jose Mazzoni Cintra
                  Postal City: Joinville
Postal State/Province: SC
          Postal Code: 89221100
       Postal Country: Brazil
        Reported QSOs: 164
       Confirmation #: 1641897.cq-ww-cw

Thank you for entering the contest and submitting your log in Cabrillo
format.  Please review the information listed above and, if necessary,
resubmit the log to make any corrections.


Director, CQ WW DX Contest

                       *** PLEASE HELP ***

The robot software that is sending you this message, the server which
stores all the logs, the log-checking software and the preparation and
mailing of awards are all provided by volunteers. These unpaid
individuals will continue to donate their time, but in many cases have
been providing the funding for expenses associated with these

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation ("WWROF"), a non-profit
donor-supported organization, has committed to cover these
infrastructure expenses for the CQ family of contests. Please consider
making a tax-deductible (for U.S. taxpayers) contribution to the WWROF
at http://www.wwrof.org/content/donate

All monies donated will go to fund infrastructure.
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