(Araucaria) ENC: [The Daily DX] VP8STI QRT due to Emergency

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Segunda Janeiro 25 21:48:38 BRST 2016

Que Deus esteja co eles

The following update is from EA5RM, Toni Gonzalez

Today at 21:20 UTC, Nigel Jolly, Braveheart owner, declared an emergency

and ordered to VP8STI team to cease all operations and return to the
ship. A large
ice flow that had broken away due last nights storm starts to block the
to the Bay where they were camped. There was strong potential for the
ice flow to prevent 
Braveheart to get them.
           Team is now safely aboard the Braveheart and they are moving
away from Southern 
Thule Is. All the equipment and personal gear is still on the island.
They hope to
return to camp site during next good weather window. Once they retrieve
their equipment, 
they could make a determination as to whether they can proceed to South
Georgia to do VP8SGI 
as planned. 
            VP8STI QRT !

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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