(Araucaria) WorkShop CUBESAT - LABRE/AMSAT-BR

Paulo PV8DX paulopv8dx em gmail.com
Sábado Fevereiro 27 10:56:52 BRT 2016

(para conhecimento) 
Acontecerá em Florianopolis de 28/02 à 02/03/2016 um importante evento
na UFSC. Será o II na América Latina.



AMSAT-BR estará presente com Edson PY2SDR. 

Temas relevantes serão abordados.
Considero marcante a participação do radioamadorismo. Atesta uma vez mais
a imprtancia da LABRE e o reconhecimento da AMSAT-BR.
Esta atenção prende-se ao fato que os CUBESATs educacionais trafegam dados
nas frequencias do serviço de radioamador. Onde tem sempre um radioamador responsável
pela solicitação na IARU..... E muitas vezes envolvimento no pojeto.

Tema do líder da AMSAT -  Edson:

“Amateur Radio and Space Communications” Edson W. Pereira PY2SDR Area: Ground Segment and Stations Network Abstract: An expressive number of cubesat projects utilize the amateur radio frequencies for communications. Radio amateurs have been working with space communication since the early sixties, have designed and launched an expressive number of satellites, and have accumulated a large amount of experience in designing, implementing and operating satellites and ground stations. The tutorial will present a brief history of amateur radio space communications, normative and regulatory aspects of amateur radio activities, satellite radio frequency coordination with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), space and ground segment licensing process for Brazilian cubesats, digital communications, and technical topics in designing and operating satellite ground stations. Keywords: Amateur radio, satellite communications, radio regulations, IARU, LABRE, AMSAT- BR Learning Objectives: Familiarization with the Amateur Radio Satellite Service, Amateur Radio regulations, and technical aspects of designing and operating an amateur radio satellite ground station. Target Audience: Project managers, teachers, and students involved in satellite missions operating in the amateur radio spectrum.

73 de Paulo PV8DX
Boa Vista-Roraima
pv8dx em labre-rr.org
pv8dx em arrl.net

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