(Araucaria) Serie sobre o Arduino.

DXer dxista em yahoo.ca
Terça Agosto 30 22:42:28 BRT 2016


Um off-topic que pode interessar.

O Doug Hendricks voltou a publicar a revista QRPp. Desta vez apenas no formato PDF. A edicao de Agosto esta disponivel gratuitamente na secao de arquivos do Norcal no Yahoo Grupos.

A edicao de Setembro incluira uma serie sobre o arduino com projetos. O Jack Purdum escreve uma coluna sobre o Arduino na revista Nuts&Volts a muitos anos. Mais recentemente publicou um artigo sobre um transceptor na QST usando o Arduino.

O material a ser utilizado na serie pode ser adquirido no eBay. O custo e bem acessivel.

A mensagem de anuncio, em ingles, segue abaixo.

73 de Vince, VA3VF

Jack Purdum, W8TEE to write articles for QRPp
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    Doug Hendricks
    Aug 18 12:09 AM
    I am thrilled to announce that Jack Purdum, W8TEE will be writing a series of articles for QRPp on "Arduino for the Terrified".  Jack is the author of Beginning C for Arduino and co-author of Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio.

    You may recognize the name, as Jack is the co-author of the 49er article that was featured on the front page of March QST.  The series is going to be a series of experiments and projects that go along with the text.  In order to follow along with the article you will need the following:

    Nano -  (make sure you get the Arduino Nano, not the Nano Pro Mini.  The correct one has a mini usb connector on board.) Ebay item number 141975930194 or similar $2.35
    Nano Proto Board - Ebay item number: 291841126495 or similar: $1.62
    LCD Display - Ebay item number: 221439853893 or similar: $2.98 (Make sure it is HD44780 and I2C compatible)
    Piezo - Ebay item number: 182245715266 or similar: $1.51 for 10
    Dupont Jumpers - Ebay item number:
    Female to Female 351787051213 or similar $.99
    Male to Male 272252691036 or similar $1.07
    Male to Female 141988001226 or similar $.99

    That adds up to $11.53 for a course in how to get started using Arduinos.  I asked Jack if he would be willing to write this series of articles, because, I am clueless when it comes to programming and using Arduinos, yet I know there are a lot of uses for it in ham radio.

    The next issue is coming out on Sept. 6th.  Get your ebay orders off today.  I just ordered all of the above and it worked fine.  If you find that the source is no longer available do a search for a similar item on ebay. 

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