(Araucaria) ARRL 10 - Resultado

paulopv8dx em gmail.com paulopv8dx em gmail.com
Quarta Junho 10 23:24:40 BRT 2015

Um recorde em participação:

During the 2014 ARRL 10 Meter contest more than 11,000 operators worldwide 
got on the air making an estimated 2.6 million QSOs. If evenly spread across the
whole weekend this represents about 15 QSOs being made every second! That's 
a lot of party talk going on. After the contest, a record 5,488 operators submitted 
their log to the ARRL for the contest results. That's about half the active operators. 
Perhaps this tells us that while everyone had fun, about 50% of the operators were 
also in it for the competition. Let's look at some examples of the fun had by all. 

link http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Contest%20Line%20Scores/2014/2014%2010%20Meter%20Line%20Scores%20-%20DX%20-%20Version%201_0.pdf

73 de Paulo PV8DX
pv8dx em labre-rr.org
pv8dx em arrl.net
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