(Araucaria) ENC: [The Daily DX] K1Navassa Island Update - January 27

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Terça Janeiro 27 15:22:29 BRST 2015

The following update is from the Navassa Island DXpedition website - 

Electra is anchored on the south side of Great Inagua, 170 nautical
miles north of Navassa.  The weather is slowly deteriorating with winds
at 15 knots (at 09:00 AM).  Winds are expected to increase during the
next three days to 25 - 30 knots.  We will move today to find a more
comfortable anchorage ahead of the stronger winds.

The forecast for the period of Jan 30 - Feb 03 is not favorable.  Winds
in the Windward Passage (between Cuba and Haiti) are forecast to start
blowing from the north-east at 20 knots on the 30th, increasing to 25 to
30 knots on the 31st.  Winds will remain strong in the passage until Feb
02.  Around Navassa, winds are likely to be lighter, around 15 knots,
the afternoon of Jan 31 and on Feb 01.  (It appears that Navassa is
somewhat in the wind shadow of the mountains of Haiti.)  Feb 02 - 03 are
forecast to have very light winds around Navassa, but a strong swell
will start building up from the south-east, reaching 2.5 meters by Feb
03.  Because of the swells, we are likely to have only Feb 01 and 02 to
unload gear and supplies.

Our current plan is the following:

We plan to sail from Great Inagua the afternoon of Jan 30 in a
north-easterly 20 knot weather.  Winds will be mostly blowing from the
aft quarter, which, we hope, will make the conditions tolerable.  We
will skirt the western tip of Haiti and hope to stay in the lee of the
island during the night of the 30th and most of the 31st, when winds
will be reaching 30 knots in the Windward Passage.  We will then
approach Navassa from the north east and review the conditions at the
island.  Hopefully, Lulu bay will be tenable and we will be able to
spend the night there.  We plan to start off-loading the afternoon of
Jan 31 and during the day on Feb 01.

Bernie, W3UR/4 (from the Key Colony Beach offices of The Daily DX)

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
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