(Araucaria) AI6V -SK

Dirceu Cavalcanti py5ip em hotmail.com
Segunda Dezembro 15 15:29:13 BRST 2014

Uma grande perda
Tive a oportunidade de conhecer  o maravilhoso  casal  na casa   de PY5EG  , Atilano 
À  Sue , nossas  mais sentidas  condolências.

De  : Dirceu  PY5IP

Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:42:41 -0200
From: py5eg em iesa.com.br
To: araucaria em araucariadx.com; RIO-DX-GROUP em yahoogrupos.com.br; gadx em yahoogrupos.com.br; gde-list em googlegroups.com
Subject: (Araucaria) AI6V -SK

Message from SUECarl passed away at 3:30 this morning, in his sleep, per his wishes.  Just two days shy of his 75th birthday. I already miss him, but I am relieved that he is at peace.We sure had an amazing run during our seventeen years together.  I was such a lucky YL:) He was very touched by all the notes and calls, and visits, from so many friends and family.  I would appreciate it if you would please post a note to the amateur radio community regarding his passing. Love,  Sue  ATILANO DE OMS 
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