(Araucaria) VK9MT pode encerrar as atividades devido ao tempo

Rafael Sa py4rgs em googlemail.com
Quinta Abril 3 03:16:01 BRT 2014

Vejam a notícia no site do DX-World (abaixo):

Resumo da tradução: Dependendo da intensidade do mau tempo que se aproxima
do atol, a DXpedtion a Melish Reef pode ter que encerrar nas proximas
24horas a operação e retornar ao barco. Eles estarão focando nas próximas
24h em trabalhar estações NEW ONE nas bandas de maiores rates. Pedem que
apenas estações que nunca contactaram VK9 o façam.

Vamos acompanhar a situação e ver o que acontee. Agora (03:00 PT2/06:00Z)
VK9MT 599+ em 12m, 15m e 10m.

Rafael Sa, PY4RGS


*For immediate release*

The skipper is monitoring<http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/forecasts/cyclone.shtml> a
tropical depression several days north of Mellish Reef. This severe weather
has the potential to disrupt operations. We have at least 24 hours before
any decision is made on how to proceed, we have plans to deal with the

At 0700, April 3rd (local) we plan the following:

1. All unnecessary equipment will be removed from the island, leaving just
the operating tents, radio equipment, generators and antennas.

2. Depending on the intensity of the weather we may be forced to terminate
the operation early. Another alternative is to temporarily leave the island
and return when safe.

3. Any decision to modify or terminate the operation is at least 24 hours
away. The safety of the DX-pedition team and the crew is the first priority.

4. To better use the time on the island we ask that band fills be suspended
and only people that need Mellish Reef for an All Time New One call us.

5. For at least the next 24 hours we will focus our attention to those
bands that drive highest rates to maximize ATNOs.

As news develops we will send out additional information.

Team Mellish 2014
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