(Araucaria) CQ WW DX Contest Survey
Ronnan Werneck
ronnan em cultura.com.br
Segunda Março 25 22:18:07 BRT 2013
Prezados amigos contesteiros,
Segue mensagem/link para a pesquisa que o Randy-K5ZD está realizando sobre o CQ WW.
Dear Contester,
The CQ WW DX Contest Committee invites you to take a short survey to share your feedback on the contest. Your answers will help us improve the contest and make important decisions about the rules.
Click on the link to take this survey.
Start Survey
The survey should take less than 6 minutes to complete.
You received this email because you submitted a log in the CQ WW DX Contest 2012 (PP2RON).
Thank you for your participation,
CQ WW Contest Committee
Randy Thompson, K5ZD - Director
k5zd em cqww.com
CQ Communications, Inc. | 25 Newbridge Road | | Hicksville | NY | 11801 | USA Unsubscribe | Report Abuse
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