(Araucaria) Fwd: [grupomutum] URGENTE lançamento nanosatélite NASA radioamador
Alex Perotto
aperotto em gmail.com
Quarta Abril 17 12:19:24 BRT 2013
Hi All
Encaminho a lista, embora náo esteja relacionado ao foco principal (DX e
Contestes), pelo conteúdo e pela "urgencia" que foi colocada no corpo da
73 de
Alex Perotto
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Orlando Perez Filho <pt2op em hotmail.com>
Date: 2013/4/17
Subject: [grupomutum] URGENTE lançamento nanosatélite NASA radioamador
To: Pirajá PS8RF <ps8rf em hotmail.com>
Cc: "py4zbz em yahoo.com" <py4zbz em yahoo.com>, "py5lf em falautomation.com.br" <
py5lf em falautomation.com.br>, "pu2tmt em gmail.com" <pu2tmt em gmail.com>, "
py2uep em gmail.com" <py2uep em gmail.com>, "py2iv em hotmail.com" <py2iv em hotmail.com>,
"pu2phk em gmail.com.br" <pu2phk em gmail.com.br>, LABRE Conselho <
conselholabre em yahoogrupos.com.br>, Nelson <ps8nf em bol.com.br>, Fred PY2XB <
fred.py2xb em gmail.com>, Jackson PY1PDF <py1pdf.rj em gmail.com>, PT7WA Luciano <
pt7wa em globo.com>
Recebi um telefonema do Sr. Sergio Almeida, do INPE, solicitando nossa
ajuda como radoamadores.
Ele, por sua vez, foi solicitado por colega da NASA para que esta envolvido
no lançamento de um nanosatélite para radioamadores (dados em e-mail
Precisam de radioamadores brasileiros que acompanhem/monitorem o lançamento.
Está bastante em cima da hora, porque o lançamento será hoje, por volta do
O e-mail do Sr. Rogan, pesquisador da NASA é
rogan.s.shimmin em nasa.gov
e a página do projeto é
www.phonesat.org <http://www.phonesat.org/>
Peço a vocês (estou enviando este e-mail aos colegas de que tenho
conhecimento do interesse de operação via satélite) que divulguem
rapidamente essa mensagem aos colegas que tem condições de operação para
acompanhar o lançamento e para que se empenhem em prestar essa ajuda.
Se precisarem mais dados podem enviar e-mail diretamente ao Sr. Rogan
(NASA) ou entrar em contato com o Sr. Sergio, no INPE *jsergio em lit.inpe.br
* *Fone: (012) 3208-6292/6290*
73 e obrigado pela ajuda.
Orlando .·. PT2OP
Presidente da LABRE-DF
são 14:20 UTC do dia 17/04/13
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:44:52 -0300
From: jsergio em lit.inpe.br
To: pt2op em hotmail.com
Subject: suporte via radio-amador lançamento nanosatélite NASA em Virginia
Prezado Orlando,
Acabamos de falar ao telefone.
Tivemos aqui no INPE uma solicitação de um colega da NASA Ames (Rogan
Shimmin) buscando suporte do pessoal de Rádio Amador para efetuar tracking
do lançamento de um nanosatélite deles.
Abaixo está a mensagem dele, contendo o e-mail dele e um link para a página
do lançamento.
Sei que está muito em cima da hora, mas agradeceria bastante uma tentativa
sua de ajuda para este caso.
Desde já agradeço bastante sua atenção e tempo gasto com isso.
**Jose Sergio de Almeida, Ph.D.**
**Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE**
**Laboratório de Integração e Testes - LIT**
**Av. dos Astronautas, 1758**
**12227-010 - São José dos Campos, SP**
**Fone: (012) 3208-6292/6290**
Radio settings
- *Call sign: KJ6KRW*
- *Frequency: 437.425 MHz*
- *Modulation: AX-25 AFSK*
- *Data Rate: 1200 bps*
PhoneSat Packet description
PhoneSat satellites are emitting packets over the amateur radio band at
437.425 MHz. All three satellites transmit using AFSK (1200 bps)
modulation, AX.25 packet coding and have vertical linear polarization.
The two PhoneSat 1.0 satellites, Graham and Bell, transmit with a
periodicity of respectively 28 seconds and 30 seconds. The PhoneSat 2.0
beta satellite, Alexander, transmit with a periodicity of 25 seconds.
The following is a detailed description of the packets that you will be
PhoneSat 1.0
Three different types of packets *ASCII85 encoded*. We are encoding bits
instead of ASCII characters. Therefore, if you want to decode the packet,
normal online ASCII85 decoders will not work. Use PhoneSat’s Decoder to
decode your packets.
Health Data Packet
After being decoded, the packets will contain the following data:
- *ID:* 1byte, identifier of which satellite you have received from.
- *Restarts:* number of restarts of the PhoneSat App.
- *Reboots:* number of reboots of the phone.
- *Counter:* number of packets sent since the beginning of the mission.
- *Phase1:* number of packets sent during phase 1 (only health data).
- *Phase2:* number of packets sent during phase 2 (health data and
picture packets).
- *Time:* unix time in seconds.
- *Voltage:* battery Voltage in Volts.
- *Temp1:* exterior temperature in Kelvin.
- *Temp2:* interior temperature in Kelvin.
- *Accel:* accelerometer value for X, Y, Z axes from the phone sensor in
- *Compass:* magnetic field value for X, Y, Z axes from the phone sensor
in nanoTesla.
- *Text:* “hello from the avcs”.
- *Encoded:*
- *Decoded Bytes length:* 112
- *Decoded Format:* PhoneId Restarts Reboots Counter Phase1 Phase2 Time
Voltage Temp1 Temp2 AccelX AccelY AccelZ CompassR CompassP CompassY Text
A, 4, 17, 460, 2881, 19179, 316935869, 3.0009775, 293.25513, 293.7439,
-0.0, 0.08172209, -10.038197, -5.75, -8.75, -5.5625, hello from the avcs
Safe Mode Packets
- *V:* Last ten values of the Voltage prior to last reboot in Volts.
- *OutT:* Last ten values of the Exterior Temperature prior to last
reboot in Kelvin.
- *InT:* Last ten values of the Interior Temperature prior to last
reboot in Kelvin.
- *Encoded:* 5l^lbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!)l0Q786QG70!;f!!!
- *Decoded Bytes length:* 134
- *Decoded Format:* V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 OutT0 OutT1 OutT2
OutT3 OutT4 OutT5 OutT6 OutT7 OutT8 OutT9 InT0 InT1 InT2 InT3 InT4 InT5
InT6 InT7 InT8 InT9
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
Picture Packets
.webp pictures. These pictures can be converted into png pictures
using Google’s
webp converter <https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/>. You will
receive small parts of one big picture and once we have all the pieces, we
will put it together and post it in our website!
- *Encoded: *
- *Decoded Bytes length:* 153
- *Decoded Packet:* Saving image tile: A_0100_image.webp
PhoneSat 2.0.beta
Packets will not be encoded; they will be *plain ASCII characters*. There
are 5 types of packet:
Sensors from the phone
- *Time:* unix time time in milli seconds.
- *Reboot:* number of reboots of the phone.
- *Counter:* number of packets sent since the beginning of the mission.
- *Packet type:* for this packet will be sensors from the phone (1).
- *Phase:* phase in which the satellite is (we have 3 phases).
- *Compass:* magnetic field value for X, Y, Z axes from the phone sensor
in nanoTesla.
- *Gyro:* spin rate for X, Y, Z axes from the phone sensor in deg/sec.
- *Accel:* accelerometer value of X, Y, Z axes from the phone sensor in
- *Format:* [Time, Reboot, Counter, Packet Type, Phase, CompassX,
CompassY, CompassZ, GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ, AccelX, AccelY, AccelZ]
- *Packet:* [316935869451;1;564;1;3; -5.75, -8.75,
-5.5625;0.12;1.2;-5.3; -0.0, 0.08172209, -10.038197]
Current and voltage values
- *Time:* unix time in milli seconds.
- *Reboot:* number of reboots of the phone.
- *Counter:* number of packets sent since the beginning of the mission.
- *Packet type:* for this packet will be current and voltage values (2).
- *Phase:* phase in which the satellite is (we have 3 phases).
- *Voltage:* battery voltage (digital value to be converted to Volts).
- *Current:* values from the boards (5 values) (digital value to be
converted to mA).
- *Current:* values from the solar cells (6 values) (digital value to be
converted to mA).
- *Format:* Time, Reboot, Counter, Packet Type, Phase, Voltage,
Current1, Current2, Current3, Current4, Current5, Current1, Current2,
Current3, Current4, Current5, Current6]
- *Packet:*
- *Time:* unix time in milli seconds.
- *Reboot:* number of reboots of the phone.
- *Counter:* number of packets sent since the beginning of the mission.
- *Packet type:* for this packet will be current and voltage values (3).
- *Phase:* phase in which the satellite is (we have 3 phases).
- *Temp:* temperatures (11 values) (digital value to be converted to
- *Format:* [Time, Reboot, Counter, Packet type, Phase, Temp1, Temp2,
Temp3, Temp4, Temp5, Temp6, Temp7, Temp8, Temp9, Temp10, Temp11]
- *Packet:*
BDot packet
- *Reboot:* number of reboots of the phone.
- *Counter:* number of packets sent since the beginning of the mission.
- *Packet type:* for this packet will be current and voltage values (4).
- *Phase:* phase in which the satellite is (we have 3 phases).
- *Gyro:* five sets of gyroscope values in X,Y,Z axes in deg/sec (15
values in total).
- *Format:* [Reboot, Counter, Packet Type, Phase, Gyro1, Gyro2, Gyro3,
Gyro4, Gyro5, Gyro6, Gyro7, Gyro8, Gyro9, Gyro10, Gyro11, Gyro12, Gyro13,
Gyro14, Gyro15]
- *Packet:*
Charging packet
- *Charge:* charging message.
- *Volt:* battery voltage (digital value to be converted to Volts).
- *Counter:* counter.
- *Format:* [Charge, Volt, Counter1, Counter2, Counter3]
- *Packet:* charging,0,0,1
-------- Mensagem original -------- Assunto: Upcoming launch Data: Mon,
15 Apr 2013 14:08:05 -0500 De: Shimmin, Rogan S. (ARC)[Stinger Ghaffarian
Technologies Inc. (SGT Inc.)]
<rogan.s.shimmin em nasa.gov><rogan.s.shimmin em nasa.gov> Para:
yukio em dir.inpe.br <yukio em dir.inpe.br> <yukio em dir.inpe.br>
Anyway, the satellite I’m working on will be launched later this week from
Wallops Island, VA. It’s a nanosat that will be transmitting on the amateur
radio band. We’re looking for radio operators around the world to track it
– is there an amateur radio club at INPE? If so, could you please refer
them to our website phonesat.org <http://www.phonesat.org>. I’d be
delighted to help if they have any questions J
All the best,
<pt2op em hotmail.com?subject=Res%3A%20URGENTE%20lan%E7amento%20nanosat%E9lite%20NASA%20radioamador>|
de email<grupomutum em yahoogrupos.com.br?subject=Res%3A%20URGENTE%20lan%E7amento%20nanosat%E9lite%20NASA%20radioamador>|
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Alexandre Perotto / Skype ==> alexperotto
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