(Araucaria) Enc: Live Broadcast of MFJ 40th Anniversary Celebration

antonio carlos rodrigues py2vai em yahoo.com.br
Terça Outubro 2 16:53:39 BRT 2012

----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
De: W5KUB Broadcast <video16.w5kub em gmail.com>
Para: Tom Medlin <video16.w5kub em gmail.com> 
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 1 de Outubro de 2012 23:27
Assunto: Live Broadcast of MFJ 40th Anniversary Celebration

It's time for the Live Broadcast of MFJ 40th
Anniversary Celebration!!

MFJ Enterprises will be celebrating their 40th anniversary October 5th and 6th
(Friday and Saturday) in Starkville, Mississippi!  For those that can
attend in person, there will be door prizes (must be present to win), free
factory tours (MFJ, Ameritron, Cushcraft, Hy-Gain, Mirage, Vectronics, and MFJ
Metal Shop), free lunch, free tailgating, free forums/discussions, and FCC
license exams.  Special guests will include:
     Martin F Jue, K5FLU, president and founder of MFJ
Enterprises Inc
     Malcolm Keown, W5XX, ARRL Mississippi Section Manager
     Harold Kramer, WJ1B, COO American Radio Relay League
     Chip Margelli,  K7JA, CQ Communications, Director of Advertising Sales and Marketing
     Janet Margelli, KL7MF, Ham Radio Outlet, Anaheim
     Ray Novak, N9JA, Icom America, Division Manager –
Amateur & Receiver Products
     Ted Randall, WB8PUM, QSO Shortwave Radio Host
     Dick Ross, K2MGA, CQ Magazine Publisher
     George Thomas, W5JDX, Ham Nation, AmateurLogic.com

For additional information regarding the MFJ 40th Anniversary Celebration go to http://www.mfjenterprises.com/dayinpark.php.

If you cannot attend in person, please join the live, online broadcast of MFJ
40th Anniversary Celebration events at http://W5KUB.com where the fun begins!  
MFJ 40th Anniversary Celebration
broadcast hours: 
	* Thursday, October 4:  2000 UTC (3:00 PM CT) drive from Memphis, Tennessee to Starkville, Mississippi (approximately 3 1/4 hour drive)
	* Friday, October 5: 1300 - 21:30 UTC (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CT)
	* Saturday, October 6:  1300 UTC - 1900 UTC (8:00 AM - 2:00 PM CT) 
	* Saturday, October 6:  2000 UTC (3:00 PM CT) drive from Starkville, Mississippi to Memphis, Tennessee (approximately 3 1/4 hour drive)
You could be the winner of an
online MFJ prize (not to be confused with the MFJ door prizes) which will be
awarded during the W5KUB broadcast.  Of course, no purchase is necessary
to win a prize.  W5KUB is not affiliated with any products or companies
and does not sell any products or services.  
During the live broadcast, you
will also have the opportunity to meet and chat with other amateur radio
operators from all over the world.  The 2012 Dayton Hamvention broadcast
had 47,400 viewers!  
Please join our group on Facebook
at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/w5kub/ to keep up with us year-round.
Also, please help spread the word
by posting this announcement in Facebook and forwarding this message to your
ham radio friends that may not have received this message!
We'll 'see' you at MFJ!
Tom Medlin, W5KUB
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