(Araucaria) LZ Open Contests information !

py4was ed-py4was em powerline.com.br
Domingo Maio 20 12:51:41 BRT 2012


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "LZ1GL LZOPEN.com" <LZ1GL em lzopen.com>
To: <ed-py4was em powerline.com.br>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:22 AM
Subject: to PY4WAS - LZ Open

Hello Ed,
Please check our LZ Open Contests information at:  http://www.lzopen.com

We have already 5 different Contests and we hope to see you in most of them.
Please pay attention to the LZ Open SES Contest at:  http://www.lzopen.com/lzopenfield20/index.htm
73 , LZ1GL Krasimir Latinov

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