(Araucaria) Fwd: [teamantigua] donations to V26B restoration fund

Vitor Santos py2ny.vitor em gmail.com
Terça Dezembro 11 21:43:38 BRST 2012

Aos amigos que tiverem condições de ajudar
na reconstrução de V26B, ainda que simbolicamente...

US$ 5 ou US$ 10 serão sempre benvindos...

Vide abaixo, em inglês...

PY2NY Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
All data to find me will be available on

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian McGinness <n3oc em wirelessinc.com>
Date: 2012/12/11
Subject: [teamantigua] donations to V26B restoration fund
To: Team Antigua <teamantigua em yahoogroups.com>


There is a public link up now on the V26B web site to accept any donations
towards bebuilding the shack, through paypal.

Any of the contesting and dx community that is willing or able to kick in a
few dollars would be much appreciated.  We have an uphill battle to try to
come up with enough money to be able to get the building rebuilt.  We are
in pretty good shape as far as replacing the equipment goes, through the
generosity of a couple of key team members.  Now it is time to focus on the
building, and see if we can help to make that happen.

A small committee of N3OC, WT3Q, N3BNA and AA3B has been set up to
administer the fund, so there is no possibility of any impropriety going
on.  We want everything documented and open for anyone that helps us to see
how the money is being used.  100% of any funds received will go towards
the rebuild, and records will be kept how the funds are used.

So far, we have received donations in the $500 - $2000 dollar range.
Obviously those were very generous, if you can help with a smaller amount -
any amount is acceptable and much appreciated.

The station has been on from temporary quarters under difficult
circumstances for every contest since the fire, and will continue to do so,
getting better each time.




Brian N3OC

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