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Contest calendar and hamfests

• Contest: CQMM DX Contest

Begins: 2012-04-21 12:00:00 UTC

Ends: 2012-04-22 23:59:59 UTC
The CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest (CQMM DX Contest) is a continuation of the popular and successful Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest, being organized and established by the Group CWJF since 1993. The competition was initially limited to Brazil (1993-1996), later expanded to South America (1997-2006) and finally extended to the Americas (2007-2010).

 From 2011, it becomes an international competition held among all continents.

 The Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão (LABRE) supports the contest in accordance with the joint efforts of Brazilian ham radio, clubs and groups.

More informations at: http://www.cwjf.com.br/
Added at 2012-03-26 10:49:04 by DO5SSB



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