(Araucaria) DXpedition SOUTH SUDAN 2011

HAMILTON PY6HD jhlimeira em uol.com.br
Sexta Julho 8 12:54:12 BRT 2011

Alguem tem noticias de quando irá começar esta expedição???

A noticia dizia que seriam 20 dias do mes de julho e até agora não vi os spots??



Dxpedition to Southern Sudan
Welcome to SOUTHERN SUDAN 2011 DXpedition web site, where we'll give you more information about our DXpedition.

The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends have combined efforts to planning a multi-national DXpedition to Southern Sudan to celebrate the birth of a new country. it will take place over twenty days in july, 2011.


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