(Araucaria) DX-Code of Conduct

REP-Rede dos Emissores Portugueses rep em rep.pt
Quarta Abril 13 08:52:14 BRT 2011


The 'DX-Code of Conduct' are some very important guidelines on how to best
use your station, as well as providing good operating skills to make it into
the DX log in away that is both efficient and follows the ethical standards
of operating on the amateur radio bands.

So please visit and become a supporter of the "DX-Code of
Conduct" Web page at: http://dx-code.org

Also, there is a new publication available on the Web site titled "THE NEW

Randy, W6SJ, states, "I think you will find it enjoyable, even if you are a
pro. Tell your club about it and make sure that new members get a copy.
After all, it's an e-book and it's free."
Fonte Info: Southgatearc.org*

*Rede dos Emissores Portugueses*
Associação Nacional de Radioamadores
Fundada em 1926 - Membro da IARU desde 1931
Membro ARISS-Europa / REP-ARISS
Instituição de Utilidade Pública desde 1980
Página na Internet em http://www.rep.pt
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