(Araucaria) Cocos Keeling Islands - VK9C ( Zone 29 ) !

Leonardo pp1cz em terra.com.br
Segunda Novembro 15 11:14:56 BRST 2010

Bom dia Ed.

Trabalhei em fevereiro deste ano, pela primeira vez, Cocos (Keeling) Island,
em 40 Metros/CW (eis aí minha Zona 29!). 

Foi um all time new one, e justamente o grupo do Phil, que lá esteve com o
Indicativo VK9C/G6AY.

Repare que eles só fazem CW. Mais um motivo para aqueles que estão em dúvida
se devem ou não aprender CW, esta maravilhosa forma de comunicação.

Esta semana mandarei minha colaboração para você repassar ao grupo. 


Forte 73 de PP1CZ - Léo.


De: araucaria-bounces em araucariadx.com
[mailto:araucaria-bounces em araucariadx.com] Em nome de py4was
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010 11:05
Cc: QRP-BR em yahoogrupos.com.br; gbvudx em yahoogrupos.com.br;
rio-DX-GROUP em yahoogrupos.com.br; CWGO; GDXG; QTC - DX;
cantareiradx em yahoogrupos.com.br; 50MHZ - BR
Assunto: (Araucaria) Cocos Keeling Islands - VK9C ( Zone 29 ) !


Prezados Amigos !


Foi com grande alegria que recebí na sexta-feira , do amigo Phil - G3SWH (
nos conhecemos a mais de 20 anos ) , e que é um dos maiores Expedition-Man
de nosso hobby , a informação de sua próxima Expedição ( ver e-mail abaixo


Estou disponibilizando nas listas , essa informação para os interessados.


Aproveitem e visitem o site http://www.g3swh.org.uk/vk9c-g6ay.html e assim
fiquem por dentro dessa " raríssima " Expedition que irá acontecer no
próximo ano a Cocos Keeling Islands - VK9C ( Zone 29 ) , no mês de fevereiro
e que o CWJF GROUP está apoiando , sendo até o momento , o único Grupo da
América do Sul que está colaborando para o sucesso da expedição , somando-se
a outros importantes e famosos Grupos Internacionais , a saber : 




Será uma " chance de ouro "  para os brasileiros trabalharem a tão difícil e
cobiçada " ZONA 29 ".


Mesmo voce não sendo membro do CWJF , se desejar " contribuir " ( pode ser
com qualquer valor e desde já agradecemos antecipadamente ) para ajudar nos
custos da expedição , o CWJF GROUP , receberá com muita alegria e no dia 10
de Dezembro , conforme e-mail já enviado ao Phil , estaremos enviando o
total arrecado.


73 , Ed - PY4WAS




----- Original Message ----- 

From: py4was <mailto:ed-py4was em powerline.com.br>  

To: Phil <mailto:phil em g3swh.demon.co.uk>  Whitchurch 

Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 5:03 PM

Subject: CWJF GROUP : US$100 ( OK ) !




Phil - G3SWH !


The CWJF GROUP will initially contribute, with US$100, we will send at the
beginning of December. 


We will send an email to our members to make a call to see if we can raise
more contributions to your DX-Expedition for Cocos Keeling Islands - VK9C.


In case our call is answered by any of our members, we will send a larger


I take the opportunity of e-mail, asking the friend, to divulgue the Web
Page CWJF GROUP www.powerline.com.br/cwjf  in your country, along with
Radioamateurs ,  Clubs, Groups and Magazines. 


73 , Ed - PY4WAS

President of the CWJF


----- Original Message ----- 


From: Phil <mailto:phil em g3swh.demon.co.uk>  Whitchurch 

To: py4was em powerline.com.br 

Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2010 11:16 AM





Friend Edson - PY4WAS


I am writing to request some financial assistance from the CWJF towards the
cost of our forthcoming DX-pedition to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and am
pleased to set out as follows the answers to the most usual questions


DX-pedition Callsign: VK9C/G6AY 


Proposed Destination: Cocos (Keeling) Islands


Dates of Operation: 22nd February to 5th March 2011


Applicant's Callsign: G3SWH


Name: Phil Whitchurch


Date of Application: 23rd October 2010


Mailing Address: 21 Dickensons Grove
                         BS49 5HQ
                         United Kingdom


Email address: phil em g3swh.demon.co.uk


Is landing permission needed ? No


Has operating permission been granted ?  Not applicable (CEPT)


Modes of Operation:  CW only 


Bands of Operation: 80  40  30  20  17  15  12 and 10 metres, concentrating
on the LF and WARC bands.  There will be no 160, 6 metre or EME activity.  


QSL Manager: Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH


QSL route: via G3SWH, either direct, via the RSGB bureau or via G3SWH's web
site (www.g3swh.org.uk) for a reply via the RSGB bureau.  All QSLs will be
handled promptly and as soon as possible after their receipt.  The log will
be uploaded to LoTW immediately upon our return to the UK.


QSL Manager Mailing Address: as above and as on QRZ.com etc.


Place on "Most Needed" lists: The 2009 "Most Wanted" survey by The DX
Magazine shows the Cocos (Keeling) Islands at #75 worldwide.  The Cocos
(Keeling) Islands also count as OC-003 for IOTA, CQ Zone 29 and ITU Zone 54.


List of team members, including name, callsign, previous DX-pedition and/or
contesting experience and any other information you think would be helpful
in assessing the likelihood of success of the operation:


Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH has been licensed since 1963, is a member and past
President of FOC (2003), member of RSGB, the Chiltern DX Club (CDXC) and the
QSL Managers Society.  A keen DX-er on CW only who has recently achieved
DXCC Honour Roll status, has operated as :


EU-039, EU-068, EU-094), BY1QH/G3SWH, 5H3/G3SWH, 5H1/G3SWH (IOTA AF-032),
GJ3SWH/P (IOTA EU-099), FR/G3SWH (IOTA AF-016), 5Z4LI (IOTA AF-040), 9M6PWT
(IOTA OC-088), 5Z4WI (IOTA AF-067), 4S7WHG/A (IOTA AS-003), 8Q7WH (IOTA
AS-013), ZS1/G3SWH, 5R8HA (IOTAs AF-013, AF-057, AF-090), ZS1RBN (IOTA
AF-064), FO/G35WH (IOTA OC-152), FO/G35WH/P (IOTA OC-063), V8JIM (IOTA
OC-088), 5T0CW, VP2V/G6AY (IOTA NA-023), VP2MTE (IOTA NA-103), 8R1PW,
FH/G3SWH (IOTA AF-027) and VK9X/G6AY (IOTA OC-002).  QSL manager for 9M0C
(1998), D68C (2001), 8Q7ZZ (2002), XU7ACT & XU7ACU (2003), 5R8GZ, 9G5XA and
ZF2NT, amongst others.


Jim Kellaway, G3RTE has been licensed since 1962, is a member of FOC, RSGB,
a past member of the IOTA Committee, a member of the Chiltern DX Club (CDXC)
and of the GM DX Group, DXCC Honour Roll, (CW and Mixed), a keen DX-er on
both CW and SSB, has operated as :


GI3RTE/P (IOTA EU-122), GJ3RTE/P (IOTA EU-099), G3RTE/P (IOTA EU-120),
F/G3RTE/P (IOTAs EU-068 & EU-094), 5Z4LI (IOTA AF-040), 5Z4WI (IOTA AF-067),
V8JIM (IOTA OC-088), 5T0CW, VP2V/G6AY (IOTA NA-023) and VP2MTE
(IOTA-NA-103), 8R1PW, 3A/G3RTE and VK9X/G6AY (IOTA OC-002).


Rigs and antennas to be used:


1 x Kenwood TS-570D and 1 x Elecraft K2/100, wire antennas for all bands.
Laptop computers for logging.


Propagation permitting, we plan to have two stations on the air for as many
hours every day as is possible.  Our main objective is work many stations on
as many bands as possible.


We have set an expedition target of 15,000 QSOs.  


Expenses budget:


Each operator has a personal expenses budget of approximately GBP 3,000 ( US
$4,700 ) to cover air fares and accommodation etc.


Proposed income budget:


We do not anticipate any income other than sponsorship from individuals, DX
clubs and organisations similar to yours.  Each operator will be responsible
for, and is happy to meet, his own expenses.


We are happy to meet the costs of transport to and from the Cocos (Keeling)
Islands, but are looking for sponsorship and donations towards our living
expenses, printing QSLs and the like.  Any surplus will be equally
distributed between the operators to offset their personal contributions.
Would your organisation be willing to make a modest contribution? Every
little helps!  Please do not send cheques in any currency other than
Sterling or bank notes in other than Sterling or US $.  If necessary, I can
provide you with bank account or Paypal details to facilitate electronic


In acknowledgement of your support and donation in excess of US $100, we
will be pleased to include your club logo on our web site, print it on the
special QSL cards, provide you with a copy of our write up and accompanying
photographs and undertake to reply to all QSL cards received, either direct
or via the bureau.


I look forward to hearing from you in due course.


73 for now


Phil Whitchurch


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