Carlos Carareto carareto em gmail.com
Sexta Novembro 5 21:56:56 BRST 2010

Boa ventura.

Isso já foi respondido em outra msg, ou seja, no indicativo do colega ele
aponta o call anterior  (PREVIOUS CALL:  ).

Não consigo enviar o meu, porque hoje já existe um colega que o está


2010/11/5 <josesilva em netpar.com.br>

>  Eu não li toda a informação, devia ter lido talvez, mas pergunto:
> quando o radioamador de indicativo PY5FO passou para PY5RAS, como o QRZ.com
> ficou sabendo disso?
> Pura curiosidade...
> 73, Boaventura PY5CEK
>  *From:* Carlos Carareto <carareto em gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, November 05, 2010 8:03 PM
> *To:* Grupo Araucaria de Radioamadorismo <araucaria em araucariadx.com>
> *Subject:* Re: (Araucaria) CURIOSIDADE
> Fernando,
> segue o texto explicativo da nova forma de busca do QRZ.
> 73
> carlos
> py2vm
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Patrick Thrush, AE1PT <ae1pt em hamtechtalk.com>
> Date: 2010/11/3
> Subject: [ham-radio-deluxe] Changes to the QRZ.COM <http://qrz.com/>Database & Lookup Process
> To: ham-radio-deluxe em yahoogroups.com
> Some big changes in store for everyone—things that continue to make
> QRZ.COM <http://qrz.com/> unique for amateur radio call lookups. Note that
> this will not affect users of the XML data port service—and likely will not
> cause any problem for current callsign scrapers using the “free” lookup in
> HRD logbook. Here is the release made by Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ today:
> “We're pleased to announce some new database feature enhancements to QRZ.
> The first enhancement gives our web search engine the ability to find
> prefixed
> and suffixed callsigns. For example, when you should enter PD3/XX1XX into
> the search
> box, the database will search more thoroughly for PD3/XX1XX and failing
> that, it will
> bring you to the page of the primary callsign, which in this case is XX1XX.
> This works for both prefixes and suffixes, or in other words, searching for
> yields the same result.
> The new prefix/suffix search capability extends to both the callsign lookup
> boxes as well as to direct links to the website. For example, if you go to
> a
> web browser and type in http://www.qrz.com/db/pd3/xx1xx you will get the
> record.
> A part of this feature includes a new callsign alias database. What's an
> alias
> you ask? An alias is another callsign that you may have used or been
> previously
> issued. Prior to today, a ham could list only their most recent previous
> callsign
> as an alternative way of being located. With the new aliases feature, you
> can now
> list ALL of your previous callsigns, whether or not they have been reused
> by someone
> else. Your aliases will be examined whenever someone does a database search
> and if
> multiple references to a given callsign are found, the user will be
> presented with
> a choice of alternatives. Note that when a direct URL link is used, the
> returned
> page will favor the current callsign instead of listing alternatives.
> The callsign aliasing system also eliminates the need to make a separate
> database
> entry for your temporary overseas callsign. Again suppose the callsign
> XX1XX was
> operating maritime mobile (/MM) for a while and the call XX1XX/MM was used.
> With
> the new system, a separate listing for XX1XX/MM is unnecessary because all
> queries
> asking for XX1XX/(whatever) will be sent to the main XX1XX page. With this
> consolidation, XX1XX can list all of his mobile and overseas operations on
> his primary
> page, using the biography area for detailed explanation, QSL info, etc..
> Adding new aliases to your callsign record is easy. Just go to your
> callsign page,
> choose the Detail tab, then click on Edit Record. From the Callsign Update
> Manager,
> choose "Update the basic callsign data". Look down the page to find
> "Aliases and
> previous callsigns". In the Add box, insert the previous callsign you would
> like to
> be found by, and include a comment if you like. Click Save Changes at the
> bottom
> of the page and you're done!
> A few notes about aliases:
> The new alias facility has made the old 'previous callsign' field obsolete.
> During
> the conversion, we have converted the 'previous callsign' for every record
> to an alias
> having the comment 'Previous callsign'. The result is the same. If someone
> searches
> for your previous callsign, they will be led to your current callsign page.
> Note that an alias can be any identifier. While we don't recommend it, you
> could
> use your first name as an alias. You could also use a tactical callsign
> from some
> other radio service, if you like. The purpose of the alias facility is to
> create
> other names by which you can be found on QRZ.
> Also, note that we won't tolerate abuse of the facility, especially when it
> comes
> to using the facility to harrass others. Also note that you may not use the
> facility
> to degrade the search engine, for example, aliasing common words (e.g.
> 'the') to your callsign.
> You should use the facility with due care and deference to others. If you
> have trouble
> in recognizing deference, then we'll remind you with a privilege
> banishment.
> Prior to today's announcement, we offered limited support for the addition
> of prefixed
> and suffixed ('slashed') callsigns as regular entries in our database.
> Effectively
> immediately, this capability will no longer be offered as it is made
> obsolete by the
> new search engine. Those 400 or so existing slashed callsigns in our
> database will
> be still available for a short while by substituting an underscore (_) for
> the slash.
> For example, CU3DX/P can be fetched by searching for CU3DX_P. These will be
> removed
> in about 90 days.
> The callsign alias feature has not yet been added to the XML data server
> that is used
> by the popular logging programs. We will solicit comments from the logbook
> program
> authors and XML software developers before amending our XML interface.”
> 73,
> Patrick Thrush, AE1PT
> QRZ Forums General Manager
> <http://www.qrz.com/> http://www.qrz.com
> <http://www.ae1pt.com/> http://www.ae1pt.com
> SKCC #4473
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> __._,_.___
>  Reply to sender<ae1pt em hamtechtalk.com?subject=Changes+to+the+QRZ.COM+Database+&+Lookup+Process>| Reply
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> __,_._,___
> --
> 73
> carlos
> ATENÇÃO: Proteja meu endereço como estou protegendo o seu. Envie sempre com
> Cco (cópia oculta).
> Em 5 de novembro de 2010 11:13, FERNANDO <py5fo em ig.com.br> escreveu:
>> Ola
>> Brigadão pela sua atenção.
>> Um grande abraço
>> Fernando
>> PY5FO
>> Em 5 de novembro de 2010 11:06, PY3FJ <py3fj.jac em gmail.com> escreveu:
>> É que oQRZ modificou a procura de indicativos.
>>> Podes ver que o teu está como "primary" e se entrares na página do
>>> PY5RAS, o indicativo PY5FO aparece como "previous callsign".
>>> O QRZ está agora mostrando o atual detentor do indicativo e os
>>> anteriores, o que me parece uma boa idéia, pois se tivermos um QSO mais
>>> antigo, poderemos localizar o colega, mesmo que ele tenha mudado de
>>> indicativo.
>>> Em 5 de novembro de 2010 10:50, FERNANDO <py5fo em ig.com.br> escreveu:
>>>  Sim
>>>> Realmente pertencia ao Rui Py5ras. Na verdade a uns 2 dias atras quando
>>>> eu entrava no QRZ aparecia meu cadastro. Não sei porque esta aparecendo
>>>> isso.
>>>> Em 5 de novembro de 2010 08:57, PY3FJ <py3fj.jac em gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>> Fernando, o antigo indicativo do PY5RAS era PY5FO, pelo menos é o que
>>>>> consta no QRZ.
>>>>> Em 5 de novembro de 2010 08:41, FERNANDO <py5fo em ig.com.br> escreveu:
>>>>>>     PY5FO <http://www.qrz.com/db/PY5FO>
>>>>>>  primary
>>>>>> PR, 81030350
>>>>>>  PY5RAS <http://www.qrz.com/db/PY5RAS>
>>>>>>  PY5FO
>>>>>>  Rui SANTANA, R Joseh Moscaleski nr 81, Curitiba / Paranah,
>>>>>> Curiosidade.
>>>>>> Alguem sabe informar porque aparece isso.
>>>>>> Quando solicito meu indicativo no QRZ Aparece esta ligação com PY5RAS.
>>>>>> E normal?
>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>> PY5FO
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Araucaria mailing list
>>>>>> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
>>>>>> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
>>>>> --
>>>>> 73's
>>>>> Jac - PY3FJ
>>>>> PY3MHZ - Team
>>>>> PT3T - Team
>>>>> PQ5B - Team
>>>>> ZX3S - Team
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Araucaria mailing list
>>>>> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
>>>>> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Araucaria mailing list
>>>> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
>>>> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
>>> --
>>> 73's
>>> Jac - PY3FJ
>>> PY3MHZ - Team
>>> PT3T - Team
>>> PQ5B - Team
>>> ZX3S - Team
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Araucaria mailing list
>>> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
>>> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
>> _______________________________________________
>> Araucaria mailing list
>> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
>> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
> --
> 73
> carlos
> ATENÇÃO: Proteja meu endereço como estou protegendo o seu. Envie sempre com
> Cco (cópia oculta).
> ------------------------------
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> Araucaria mailing list
> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
> http://list.araucariadx.com/mailman/listinfo/araucaria
> _______________________________________________
> Araucaria mailing list
> Araucaria em araucariadx.com
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ATENÇÃO: Proteja meu endereço como estou protegendo o seu. Envie sempre com
Cco (cópia oculta).
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