(Araucaria) Fwd: [FT-950] ft-950 serial number....

Cicero Xavier Silva xavier.py7zy em gmail.com
Segunda Maio 17 22:24:17 BRT 2010

Se alguém for a Orlando adquirir um FT 950, fique de olho no número de
Xavier, PY7ZY

[image: dedo apontando.gif]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kp2bh <kp2bh em yahoo.com>
Date: 2010/5/17
Subject: [FT-950] ft-950 serial number....
To: FT-950 em yahoogroups.com

This message is for the amateurs that are planing to buy an ft-950.
first the ft-950 its an exellent radio, i will recomend it to anyone.
now the problem was with the company in wich i acquire the radio, AES IN
ORLANDO. i get a brand new radio from them,after opening the box i start to
test the radio and in couple of hours the radio start with what i call
flickering ( switch on and off rapidly by itself) i continue using the radio
and start doing this more often.i call yaesu technical support and the
recommend me a full reset and i did it but did not resolve the issue,the
same technician told me that being a brand new just days radio should be
replace not fix but i have to deal with the dealer where i got the radio.
call the dealer and they told me to send it back for checking. the
technician indicates that was my power supply. but thats imposible because i
try 3 different power supplies and did the same with all 3, i went more far
i did try another ft-950 which belongs to a friend for 4 days with the 3
power supplies and work perfect. i told them i am not satisfy with that
radio and i would like a replacement for another ft-950 .imagine if i accept
the radio like that every time i have to send the radio back to AES i have
to pay the shipping( 180 dollars round trip). i know they are going to sale
the radio and this is the radio serial number
FT-950 SERIAL 0C350013. just in case anyone is planing to buy a radio be
aware. AES of orlando did not accept to replace the radio and they decide to
send me back the money.
this is just a little tip i how AES treat they customers.

thanks KP2BH james

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