(Araucaria) TC3DEU 2. Electronic Communications festival,

REP-Rede dos Emissores Portugueses rep em rep.pt
Domingo Maio 9 09:05:11 BRT 2010

  *TC 3 DEU* Special Amateur Radio call sign will be used in for the second
anniversary of the acceptance of Amateur Radio as a lesson at Izmir Dokuz
Eylul University (DEU) Vocational High School.
 At the festival, HF 160-80-40-30-20-17-15-12-10 mt bands and
SSB,CW,RTTY,SSTV modes will be used and a QSL  card will be sent to all

Starts at          : 12th of May 2010 UTC 0800
Finishes          : 15th of May 2010 UTC 1200
Echo link        :  VHF 144.925 TB3JJ /L “ Türkiye Konferans odasıâ€
Locator           : KM38NK,   27-08-37 E , 38-25-23 N

A certificate will be sent to the stations who communicates at 5 bands in
mixed or single mode.
QSL manager,
Nuri Boylu, TA3X

*Rede dos Emissores Portugueses*
Associação Nacional de Radioamadores
Fundada em 1926 - Membro da IARU desde 1931
Membro ARISS-Europa / REP-ARISS
Instituição de Utilidade Pública desde 1980
Página na Internet em http://www.rep.pt
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