(Araucaria) Diploma CQWPX 2009 SSB

Vitor Santos py2ny.vitor em gmail.com
Quarta Março 3 12:39:51 BRT 2010

Como já expliquei em outro e-mail fiquei muito feliz porque
consegui esse resultado da minha casa, com todos os
ruídos do meio urbano, sem os lineares (eu não consigo
deixar de amar hi hi a low power), sem o SO2R tradicional,
e ainda assim consegui a quarta colocação do mundo,
com menção no texto da revista...

Foi muito legal... E mais um pouco, teremos mais
brasileiros do que americanos no ar hi hi


2010/3/3 Edson - PY2ELG <py2elg em gmail.com>

> Em tempo.
> Parabéns ao guerreiro, PY2NY... primeiro LP da lista..... em épocas de
> propagação "tenebrosa" temos que tirar o chapéu.
> 73
> Edson PY2ELG
> Edson - PY2ELG escreveu:
> Ué... não teve "macho" pra arriscar LP 40 M ??? k k k k k........   ahhh e
> um detalhe.... com dipolo, rsrsrs...
> Obrigado pela listagem Fábio..... muitos brasileiros participaram... show
> de bola.
> 73
> Edson PY2ELG
> fabio hoelz escreveu:
>   parabésn Adriano belo score e trabalho em tubes and wires
> aproveito e coloco abaixo a relação com ao lado um link para todos os
> certificados dos participantes.
> 73´s
> Fábio
> Page 1 of 2 [Next] <http://scoresph.htm/?page=2&yr=2009&dx=PY&order=score> [Last
> Page] <http://scoresph.htm/?page=2&yr=2009&dx=PY&order=score>  *Rank* *
> Call* *Category* *Score* *QSOs* *WPX* *Hours* *Operator(s)* *Cert* 1 ZW5B
> MULTI-MULTI 21,733,005 5,121 1,315 46.0 PP5EG PP5XX PU2M... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZW5B&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 2 ZY7C MULTI-TWO 20,751,356 4,817 1,238 46.4 PS8DX PS8HF PS... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZY7C&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 3 PW2D MULTI-ONE 11,266,866 3,249 1,082 44.0 PY2MTV PY2LSM PY... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PW2D&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 4 ZX5J SO HP 15M 9,930,600 3,191 1,080 35.3 PP5JR [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZX5J&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 5 PR1T MULTI-ONE 9,919,818 2,672 1,017 41.6 PY1DX PY1NB PY1ZV.. [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PR1T&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 6 ZX2B SA HP ALL 7,805,700 2,580 900 35.9 PY2MNL [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZX2B&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 7 PQ5B MULTI-ONE 6,449,194 2,246 886 39.6 PP5JAK PP5CFS PP... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PQ5B&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 8 PY2YU SO HP ALL 5,983,194 2,252 866 36.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2YU&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 9 ZV5O MULTI-MULTI 4,533,120 1,946 787 39.0 PY5AKW PY5DLT ... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZV5O&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 10 PT3T MULTI-ONE 3,426,543 1,619 717 30.4 PY3FOX PY3NZ P... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PT3T&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 11 PY3DX SO HP ALL 2,676,168 1,446 654 33.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3DX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 12 PY2ADR SO HP ALL (T) 2,597,705 1,437 647 35.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2ADR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 13 PY2NY SO LP ALL 2,426,318 1,313 634 32.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2NY&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 14 ZZ6Z SA HP 20M 1,924,505 1,153 605 30.3 PY6HD [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZZ6Z&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 15 PR5D MULTI-TWO 1,837,580 1,179 556 31.1 PY5BH PY5IN PY... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PR5D&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 16 PP5TR SO HP 20M 1,506,985 1,003 551 27.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5TR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 17 PX2T SA LP ALL 1,294,852 982 481 21.6 PY2DN [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PX2T&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 18 PY4OG SA HP ALL 1,292,130 889 490 30.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY4OG&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 19 ZV5E SO LP 15M 1,284,215 911 505 21.3 PP5KE [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZV5E&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 20 PY2EL SO HP ALL (T) 1,152,018 910 446 25.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2EL&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 21 PW2P SO HP 40M 1,095,495 578 367 24.6 PY2XAT [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PW2P&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 22 ZX7A SO LP ALL 1,091,415 851 435 31.3 PS7TKS [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZX7A&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 23 PP5VK MULTI-ONE 1,003,892 796 452 23.5 PP5BZ PP5DA PP5... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5VK&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 24 PV2P SA HP 20M 838,980 660 474 32.3 PY2DY [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PV2P&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 25 PY7ZZ SO HP ALL (T) 818,090 641 434 20.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY7ZZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 26 PW7A MULTI-ONE 812,448 718 416 21.4 PY7PC PY7ED PY... [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PW7A&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 27 PR7AR SO HP 20M 790,218 660 429 17.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PR7AR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 28 PY2ZY SA LP 15M 776,385 706 405 20.2   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2ZY&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 29 PP1CZ SO HP ALL 555,269 599 353 22.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP1CZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 30 PS6T SA LP 15M 504,754 546 359 12.6 PY6KY [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PS6T&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 31 PY2SEX SO LP ALL 477,125 464 347 25.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2SEX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 32 PP5WG SO HP 10M 471,835 588 305 16.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5WG&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 33 PY2GH SO LP 15M 397,328 479 304 11.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2GH&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 34 ZX7U SO LP ALL 332,848 447 293 20.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZX7U&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 35 PS2T SA HP ALL 329,460 409 289 7.9 OH2MM [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PS2T&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 36 PT9PA SA HP 15M (T) 314,685 395 315 27.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PT9PA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 37 PY1WS SO HP ALL 294,560 383 280 20.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY1WS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 38 PY4DEL SO LP 15M 221,859 347 249 11.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY4DEL&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 39 PR5Z SO HP 20M 197,263 323 227 8.0 PY5ZHP [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PR5Z&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 40 PY2SRB SO LP ALL 172,255 298 235 23.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2SRB&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 41 PY3OPP SA LP ALL (T) 166,540 310 220 19.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3OPP&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 42 PR7AP SO HP 40M 163,452 190 159 4.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PR7AP&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 43 PY1SX SO LP ALL 141,693 282 219 26.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY1SX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 44 ZW2B SO HP ALL 140,936 280 223 20.8 PY2FW [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZW2B&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 45 PV8AA SO HP 80M 136,010 169 145 10.8 PV8DX [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PV8AA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 46 PU2MTS SO LP 10M 134,871 289 201 19.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2MTS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 47 ZV2C SO LP 10M 127,264 284 194 17.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZV2C&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 48 PY7XC SO HP ALL 122,844 218 174 14.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY7XC&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 49 PY2WAS SO HP ALL 122,460 261 156 3.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2WAS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 50 PY2EX SO HP ALL 121,986 283 162 6.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2EX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 51 PY7VI SO LP ALL 110,292 229 182 25.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY7VI&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 52 PY2SF SO HP ALL 83,694 214 174 11.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2SF&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 53 PY2SEI SO LP ALL (R) 79,530 215 165 15.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2SEI&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 54 PU9OSB SA LP 10M 74,358 230 153 12.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU9OSB&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 55 PY2VZ SA LP ALL (T) 72,210 210 166 19.2   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2VZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 56 PW2B SO LP 20M 62,712 173 156 12.3 PY2HL [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PW2B&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 57 PU2LEP SO LP 10M 61,200 186 144 15.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2LEP&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 58 PY3PA SA HP ALL 51,858 187 129 14.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3PA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 59 PY2KP SO HP ALL 48,240 155 120 13.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2KP&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 60 PY6PRS SO HP ALL 47,875 185 125 14.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY6PRS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 61 PP5JY SO HP ALL 45,633 162 123 12.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5JY&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 62 PY1RY SO LP ALL 41,540 169 124 16.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY1RY&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 63 PV8DR SO LP ALL 40,460 148 119 8.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PV8DR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 64 PY2GMR SA LP ALL (T) 36,480 148 114 17.9 PY2OMT [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2GMR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 65 PY2BT SO HP 40M 33,417 81 79 5.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2BT&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 66 PY2DU SO LP 15M 28,906 114 97 4.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2DU&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 67 PY2IQ SA LP ALL 27,371 131 101 7.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2IQ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 68 PY2DJ SA HP 20M 27,285 123 107 14.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2DJ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 69 PY2RDS SA HP ALL (T) 24,816 113 94 5.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2RDS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 70 PY2BN SO QRP ALL 22,638 120 98 14.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2BN&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 71 PP5AIM SO LP ALL 21,631 115 97 8.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5AIM&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 72 PU2UEO SO LP 10M 20,680 108 88 9.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2UEO&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 73 PY5JO SO LP ALL 20,672 93 76 3.6   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY5JO&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 74 PY2ZR SO LP ALL 20,615 112 95 9.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2ZR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 75 PY1KN SA LP ALL 19,292 134 91 12.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY1KN&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 76 PY2DXX SO LP ALL 18,040 95 88 14.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2DXX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 77 PY4XX SO LP 15M 15,470 90 85 10.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY4XX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 78 PP5KR SO LP ALL 12,285 71 63 3.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5KR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 79 PY2ZA SO LP 20M 10,854 77 67 7.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2ZA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 80 PY5LF SO LP ALL 10,582 86 74 11.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY5LF&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 81 PU7XAF SO LP 10M 9,880 106 65 8.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU7XAF&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 82 PY2BF SO LP ALL 8,540 66 61 7.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2BF&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 83 PY3APY SO LP ALL 7,564 75 61 11.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3APY&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 84 PY3CAL SO HP ALL 7,524 69 57 10.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3CAL&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 85 PY7AHA SA LP 10M 7,380 102 60 8.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY7AHA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 86 PY2XC SA LP 10M 7,259 71 61 6.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2XC&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 87 PU2KLM SO LP 10M (T) 6,102 64 54 5.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2KLM&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 88 PU2WDX SO LP 10M 3,638 45 34 3.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2WDX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 89 PY5KA SO HP ALL (T) 3,440 43 40 4.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY5KA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 90 PU4HUD SA LP ALL (R) 2,967 52 43 9.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU4HUD&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 91 PY3TIO SA LP ALL 2,800 50 40 9.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3TIO&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 92 PY4PW SA LP 20M (T) 2,730 44 39 4.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY4PW&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 93 PU1SAT SO LP 10M (R) 2,400 43 40 6.9   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU1SAT&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 94 PU3LBA SO LP ALL 2,340 41 36 6.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU3LBA&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 95 PY2RDZ SO LP ALL 2,184 59 39 10.2   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2RDZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 96 PY5TJ SA LP 10M 2,176 38 34 6.7   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY5TJ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 97 PU8TEP SO LP ALL 1,450 33 29 5.2   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU8TEP&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 98 PY2HAM SO HP 10M 1,260 28 28 2.8   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2HAM&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 99 PU2UJG SO LP 10M 1,140 34 30 7.0   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2UJG&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 100 PU3LBS SO LP 10M 660 22 22 1.9   [Cert<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU3LBS&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 101 PY2NFE SA LP ALL 646 17 17 2.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2NFE&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 102 PY3KIM SO HP ALL 558 18 18 2.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY3KIM&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 103 PY2BRZ SA LP 20M 512 16 16 1.2   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2BRZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 104 PU3LYB SO LP 10M (R) 476 18 17 2.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU3LYB&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 105 PP5JN SO LP 15M 220 10 10 1.3   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PP5JN&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 106 PY2MR SO LP 10M 126 9 9 1.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2MR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 107 PY2FDX SO LP ALL 90 5 5 1.1   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2FDX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 108 ZZ5Z SO HP 20M 72 6 6 0.6 PY5YA [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=ZZ5Z&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 109 PU2KXM SO LP 10M 9 3 3 0.5   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU2KXM&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 110 PU3KNG SO HP 80M (R) 4 2 2 0.4   [Cert]<http://certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PU3KNG&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> --- Em *ter, 2/3/10, Adriano <adriano.perazio em uol.com.br><adriano.perazio em uol.com.br>
> * escreveu:
> De: Adriano <adriano.perazio em uol.com.br> <adriano.perazio em uol.com.br>
> Assunto: (Araucaria) Diploma CQWPX 2009 SSB
> Para: araucaria em araucariadx.com, cantareiradx em yahoogrupos.com.br
> Data: Terça-feira, 2 de Março de 2010, 9:47
>  Ontem recebi o diploma do WPX Fonia 2009.
> *Categoria SOAB HP - Tribander / Wires*
> *1st. place South America*
> *2nd. place World*
> Não deu pra pegar o húngaro, que nas bandas de 40 e 80m dispara na
> pontuação (localização privilegiada=Europa). Para acompanhar os europeus na
> categoria dipolo fica difícil.
> Mas estou muito satisfeito c/ o resultado que agora são dois 2006 e 2009.
> Essa é uma categoria que os brasileiros deveriam explorar mais, já que tem
> muita gente operando de tri-banda e dipolo e não conhece a regra.
> Set Up:
> IC-7000
> TH-6dxx
> Dipolo 8 fios (by Sr. Adílson).
> Amp. Icom IC-2KL
> Valeu !!! 73´s py2adr / zy2c. Os 10 primeiros colocados:
>   *Rank* *Call* *Category* *Score* *QSOs* *WPX* *Hours* *Operator(s)* *
> Cert* 1 HG8R SO HP ALL (T) 6,321,780 2,643 1,018 36.0 HA8JV [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=HG8R&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 2 PY2ADR SO HP ALL (T) 2,597,705 1,437 647 35.4   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=PY2ADR&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 3 KH6FI SO HP ALL (T) 2,569,894 1,556 491 24.7   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=KH6FI&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 4 EV1R SO HP ALL (T) 2,240,430 1,515 690 35.8   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=EV1R&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 5 VE3NE SO HP ALL (T) 2,181,250 1,117 625 25.3   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=VE3NE&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 6 N1WR/3 SO HP ALL (T) 1,826,250 1,368 625 34.6   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=N1WR/3&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 7 K4FX SO HP ALL (T) 1,824,984 1,302 639 34.4   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=K4FX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 8 EU1AZ SO HP ALL (T) 1,703,208 1,270 618 33.7   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=EU1AZ&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 9 KG6DX SO HP ALL (T) 1,691,999 1,397 421 27.0   [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=KG6DX&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
> 10 WN2O SO HP ALL (T) 1,673,685 1,277 585 33.5 N2GC [Cert]<http://www.cqwpx.com/certs/WPXCert.php?cl=WN2O&yr=2009&mode=SSB>
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PY2NY Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
Caixa Postal 204 - Jaboticabal (SP)
14870-970  -  BRASIL
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