(Araucaria) Fw: PLC em debate na ITU-R

PY2ZX py2zx.ham em gmail.com
Quarta Junho 16 21:34:14 BRT 2010

Forthcoming IARU Activities at the ITU

Source: http://www.arrl.org/news/forthcoming-iaru-activities-at-the-itu


Working Parties 1A and 1B of the International Telecommunication Union’s
(ITU) Study Group 1 will meet in Geneva from June 21-28. A major item of
discussion will be protection of radio services from interference from
Broadband over Powerline (BPL), called Power Line Communications (PLC or
PLT) in Europe. The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has already
contributed to the ITU-R report SM2158, Impact of Power Line
Telecommunication Systems on Radiocommunication Systems Operating in the
LF, MF, HF and VHF Bands Below 80 MHz. This report shows the acceptable
criteria for degradation of the HF radio noise floor caused by BPL is
defined as being 0.5 dB. Work in WP1A will concentrate on the protection
of radio services from the effects of BPL in range from 80-200MHz.

SM2158: http://www.itu.int/publ/R-REP-SM.2158-2009/en

The IARU delegate to Study Group 1 and its working parties is Peter
Chadwick, G3RZP. One of items Chadwick has prepared for these meetings
is a report on the effects of intermodulation in power supplies causing
the amateur band frequency notches in the BPL spectrum to be degraded.
This report has been prepared from the work by Richard Marshall, G3SBA,
published in the RSGB’s member journal RadCom, and also points out the
difficulty such effects could have on the BPL system itself.

Chadwick will also present protection criteria for those amateur
stations operating in the 2 meter band. Chadwick, who along with Ian
White, GM3SEK, helped prepare the criteria, said it is considered that
the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services require protection such that
BPL interference does not exceed -45 dB µV/m in the main lobe of the
antenna, with a separation between antenna and the BPL installation
being at least 10 meters.

Chadwick said that there are a number of non-amateur services that could
suffer interference from BPL or its harmonics, such as applications
including social alarms for the elderly, pagers and medical implant
telemetry, as well as broadcast services, and when aggregation of
radiation is concerned, aircraft navigation and communications: “When
the differences in range between BPL and mains leads and the social
alarms and medical implant ‘base’ stations and the like are taken into
account, the acceptable levels of radiation to protect the Amateur
Service are of the same order as those needed to protect these other

Flavio PY2ZX

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