(Araucaria) CR6W, Insua Isl. IOTA EU-150
Carlos Nora ©
carlosnora.ct1end em gmail.com
Segunda Julho 19 09:28:13 BRT 2010
Operators Antonio/CU8AS, Arlindo/CT1EGW, Carlos/CT1END, João Rafael/CT1BOP,
Luis/CT1EEQ, Luis/CT4NH and Hermann/HB9CRV will be active as *CR6W* from
Insua Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 24-25th) as a
Multi-Op/DXpedition entry.
They will run 100 watts and with the antenna limitations of one element per
band, i.e. GPs or dipoles. QSL via CS1GDX.
This be a new WLOTA reference number: 2869. Look for some activity before
the contest starting July 22st. Callsigns may be CT7/CT3FN/p or CT7/CU8AS/p
and home call /P.
- *DCFP* F-006
- *DMHP* VC-017*
- *DFP* FM-101
- *DMP*1602
- *DDFP* CMN-12
- *WLOTA* 2829
- *IOTA* EU-150
For more info, see: http://www.to-mk.com/neu or http://www.qrz.com/db/cr6w
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