(Araucaria) Western Union Transfer MTCN: 2048922446

Western Union araucaria-owner em araucariadx.com
Quarta Julho 14 02:43:24 BRT 2010

Western Union Transfer MTCN: 2048922446

Dear customer!

The money transfer you have sent on the Tue, 13 Jul 2010 21:43:24 -0800 wasn't collected by the recipient.

According to the Western Union regulation the transfers which are not collected in 15 days are to be returned to sender.

To collect money you need to print the invoice attached to this e-mail and visit the nearest Western Union agency.

Thank you!
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Um anexo não texto foi limpo...
Nome  : 2048922446.zip
Tipo  : application/zip
Tam   : 9151 bytes
Descr.: não disponível
Url   : http://list.araucariadx.com/pipermail/araucaria/attachments/20100713/7bd2b07a/attachment.zip 

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