(Araucaria) [RIO-DX-GROUP] Fwd: [CQ-Contest] New Reverse Beacon Network Feature Released for Beta Test in IARU

fabio hoelz ps7hf em yahoo.com.br
Sexta Julho 9 13:00:49 BRT 2010

Estava aguardando alguma manifestação na sua outra mensagem Felipe, mais ao que parece o pessoal não entendeu muito o que estas poderosas ferramentas podem ajudar na radiocompetição, no planejamento, execução e em uma posterior analise das participações e até mesmo de avaliação da eficiência de sua estação nos outros continentes comparativamente ou não com estações co-irmãs brasileiras.

Ver on-line o que está acontecendo do outro lado da linha, e ter isso em arquivos e ferramentas de analise prontas apra ler estas informações.

Parabéns a toda equipe de desenvolvimento deste mega projeto inovador, que por muito tempo está no ar, e a grande maioria não sabia como usar as informações agora,  com mais este pacote de ferramentas essa utilização pela classe pode ser mais interativa e os resultados com leitura mais fácil para a comunidade.


--- Em sex, 9/7/10, Felipe Ceglia <felipeceglia2 em gmail.com> escreveu:

De: Felipe Ceglia <felipeceglia2 em gmail.com>
Assunto: [RIO-DX-GROUP] Fwd: [CQ-Contest] New Reverse Beacon Network Feature Released for  Beta Test in IARU
Para: "Grupo Araucaria de Radioamadorismo" <araucaria em araucariadx.com>, "rio-dx-group" <RIO-DX-GROUP em yahoogrupos.com.br>
Data: Sexta-feira, 9 de Julho de 2010, 12:35



      ---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Pete Smith <n4zr em contesting.com>

Date: 2010/7/9

Subject: [CQ-Contest] New Reverse Beacon Network Feature Released for

Beta Test in IARU

To: CQ Contest <cq-contest em contesting.com>

The Reverse Beacon Network team is pleased to announce that a new and

(we hope) exciting feature is being released for beta testing during and

after the IARU Contest.

The Spot Analysis Tool, written by Nick Sinanis, F5VIH/SV3SJ, can now be

found at <http://reversebeacon.net/analysis>.  In a nutshell, it is

intended to provide easily usable comparisons between multiple stations

over an entire day at a glance.  You can select a date and a Reverse

Beacon station on any continent, then enter the callsign of a station,

and in seconds all the spots of that station made by that Reverse Beacon

are displayed graphically, with either Signal to Noise Ratio SNR) or

frequency on the vertical axis, and the 24-hour time on the horizontal.

 Add another callsign, and spots of that station are superimposed on

the first.  Click the "i" icon at the upper right of the page for

step-by-step instructions, if you need them.

If you select SNR, you will immediately be able to see which station

opened the band to the area represented by the Reverse Beacon, which had

the better signal during the middle of the opening, and which fared

better in the waning hours.  Select a time period and zoom in to get a

close look at comparative signal strength.  Selecting frequency to plot

will show whether stations changed run frequencies often and which

frequencies they were (or were not) able to hold, and when.

A few cautionary notes.  This *is* an automated system.  It only spots

stations that it believes are CQing.  The SNR for a given spot can be

heavily influenced by QRM or QRN, so general trends are a lot more

instructive than individual spots.  If Slim decides to sign somebody

else's call, and it's heard, it will be spotted, and the frequency

calibration may vary (though we're working on that) depending on the

Reverse Beacon's individual setup.

As we said, this is a beta test version.  There are a few limitations

right now - most important, it does not yet work with Internet Explorer,

so you will need to use Firefox or Chrome to test it.  While Nick is

working on that problem, we'd like to get comments about the usability

of the tool, reports on any bugs you encounter, and any other input you

want to provide.  While we're not averse to comments on CQ-Contest, you

can avoid a glut there by sending your comments to us at

skimmer em dxwatch.com.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Nick, F5VIH/SV3SJ, Felipe PY1NB, and Pete, N4ZR


CQ-Contest mailing list

CQ-Contest em contesting.com



Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB


PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member

http://www.dxwatch.com /// http://reversebeacon.net ///




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