(Araucaria) AUSTRÁLIA em 160 metros !
ed-py4was em powerline.com.br
Domingo Julho 4 13:10:15 BRT 2010
Prezados Amigos !
C / C : VK6GX ( Phil )
( vk6gx em yahoo.com )
Recebà ontem , um e-mail do radioamador Phil - VK6GX ( ver abaixo ) , onde demonstra muito interesse em trabalhar alguma estação brasileira em 160 metros.
Portanto , aos que operam nessa difÃcil faixa , fica aà registrado o pedido do colega.
Se alguém souber de algum colega que faça 160 metros , por favor repasse esse e-mail.
73 , Ed - PY4WAS
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Hartwell
To: py4was
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: PY stations South America is very difficult on 160m from VK6 !
Hi Ed,
Thanks for the interesting information on your group.
I am a 160m CW DX operator and this is the time of year we hope to hear PY stations.
South America is very difficult on 160m from VK6, being directly over the South Pole.
I will look-out for PY on 160m, I usually CQ on 1826.5kHz. My current sunrise is 2315z and I am on air most days for an hour before sunrise.
If you are, or you know any keen 160m operators, I would love to work you.
I visited your wonderful country back in 1973.
Good luck in the World Cup!
73, Phil VK6GX.
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