py4was ed-py4was em powerline.com.br
Domingo Janeiro 10 19:15:18 BRST 2010


Veja o que o radioamador amante de expedições / concursos é capaz de fazer para obter boas condições de operação com suas antenas.

I got my present call in 2000 and since then I am active in  DXCC chasing and Contesting.

I am Chairman of the Dundalk Amateur Radio Society (EI7DAR), check out our new website at www.ei7dar.com

I am a member of the IRTS committee. I am the Contest Manager and also look after all incomming cards for EI2's at the EI bureau.

Calls I have activated: EI0HQ, EI0RTS, EI0W, EI1OOL, EI1OOM, EI25YL, EI7FIB (old call), EI75IRTS, EI7M, EJ2JD, EJ5E, OK/EI2JD

Founder member of EI0W Contest Team. You will hear us in most of the contests throughout the year, please give us a call. The station is setup at my QTH and visiting contesters are always welcome.

I am QSL manager for: EI0W, EI7DAR, EL2PM.

Radios:TenTec Orion II, Yaesu FT-1000MP, FT-736R, Kenwood TS-2000.

AMP: Acom 1000 and OM Power.

HF Antennae: 3ele SteppIR, 4ele SteppIR (put up for major contests only), Carolina Windom 160, many Inverted V's, 2ele Delta (40m).

VHF Antennae: 10ele 2m, 4ele 4m, 7ele 6m, 21ele 70cms, 35ele 1.2GHz.

Picture above taken during IOTA Contest 2009. I have 4ele SteppIR at 70 feet and underneath are 2 Delta Loops on 80m and 2 on 40m. In the background and much lower is my 3ele SteepIR and Inverted V's.

Live WebCam  Check out Look-Webcam on www.ei7dar.com

C U on the bands.  73 de Thos
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