(Araucaria) 3W6C
Cicero Xavier Silva
xavier.py7zy em gmail.com
Quarta Abril 14 08:34:24 BRT 2010
3W6C está de volta, desde as 05:00Z, d forma limitada.
Vejam o comunicado oficial do Coordenador da Expedição
"Dear DXers and friends of ham radio
We had to turn off the CW and the SSB sites yesterday April 13 at 0500 UTC
due to political reasons. 3W6C is now back again since 0500 UTC, with 1 CW
station and 1 SSB station, located at the HQ site.
The HQ site permits a limitated antenna layout only. So we can transmit from
40m to 10m in CW and SSB. Not possible at this time are 160m, 80m, RTTY and
The 3W6C team works hard to transfer the necessary equipment from the other
two sites to the HQ site. They do their best in the current situation to
make a QSO with AS-185 possible to as many DXers as possible.
We keep you up to date via our web site and Twitter if there are any further
changes of the situation.
Tnx for your understanding and cooperation.
Vy 73 de Hans-Peter, HB9BXE
3W6C Team Leader"
Xavier, PY7ZY
SA Pilot
Please visit our DX-Pedition Web page: www.pw8j.com
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