(Araucaria) FW: Exclusive DX News

Eduardo Guisard eduardo em guisard.com
Domingo Abril 11 20:52:29 BRT 2010



From: James Brooks, 9V1YC [mailto:info em vp8o.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:21 PM
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Exclusive DX News



In January, 2011 The Microlite Penguins DXpedition Team will be heading to
the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, one of the world's most wanted DXCC
entities.  As with all trips to the planet's extremes, this DXpedition
presents it's own unique set of logistic and environmental challenges. But
with our experienced ship, crew and team of operators we aim to make this
one of the most exciting and enjoyable DX events of the year.

In recognition of your generous support for our DXpeditions in the past, you
and only a select small group of hams have been given this exclusive advance
information. We would respectfully ask that you keep it confidential for a
few more days until we make our official announcement at the International
DX Convention in Visalia, California this coming weekend. 

For more information please visit our website: http://www.vp8o.com

As always, we look forward to seeing you on the bands.


James Brooks, 9V1YC
The Microlite Penguins DXpedition Team


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