(Araucaria) Res: WRTC 2010

Renner, PY7RP py7rp em yahoo.com.br
Segunda Maio 4 12:26:14 BRT 2009

muito legal essa ideia de field day!
soh faltava os proprios operadores terem que fazer
o reabastecimento dos geradores hehehe deixaria a
competicao mais "dinamica" kkk

e outra... em que mes serah o wrtc russo?
imagina, vc numa barraca a -1 grau celsius? kkk

73 Renner

De: PY5DC - Vagner Adelino Alvarez <py5dc em alcad.com.br>
Para: Grupo Araucaria de Radioamadorismo <araucaria em araucariadx.com>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 4 de Maio de 2009 12:19:16
Assunto: Re: (Araucaria) WRTC 2010

A coisa vai tá russa, e o piór é que não ví 
vodka na lista...só gasolina.
Tô fora.... abro mão da minha posição no ranking, 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Josias,  PY2JCM 
To: Grupo Araucaria de Radioamadorismo 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: (Araucaria) WRTC 2010

olá pessoal,
interessante, lá o bicho vai pegar  hehe
V invertido para 40 e 80 mts, sem linear e com  energia de gerador !
é isso mesmo ?
WRTC-2010 is for the first time Field Day style competition. 
All competitors will be located in the same geographical area within 40 x  30 km where height differences are not bigger than 40 meters. All competitor  locations will be separated at least 500 m from each other. 
When you get to your locations you will find ready to go: 
	* 20/15/10 m tri-bander with one feed line and PL-259 male connector on 12  m tower with antenna rotator and control unit 
	* 40 m Inverted V dipole with feed line and PL-259 male connector 
	* 80 m Inverted V dipole with feed line and PL-259 male connector 
	* 2 x 100 watts peak power controllers 
	* 2 PL259-PL259 jumpers for 100 watts peak power controllers 
	* Tent 
	* 2 kw Power Generator with 30 m power cable going to the tent 
	* 50 Liters of gazoline for generator 
	* 3 x 5 EU (Schuko) outlets 
	* 2 lamps 
	* Electrical Fan 
	* 3 plastic tables 
	* 3 plastic chairs 
	* WC cabin with hand wash facilities 
	* 30 liters of drinking water
Since this is a filed day style operation each team will have a generator  which has to be filled with gasoline. To avoid team members spending their  time for re-filling generator we will have specially dedicated person at every  location to help keeping it up and running during the contest period, so teams  will concentrate on the contest battle. 
73 QRO do Josias, PY2JCM
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Luc,  PY8AZT 
To: Lista Araucaria ; RIO-DX-GROUP em yahoogrupos.com.br 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 9:18 
Subject: (Araucaria) WRTC 2010

O comitê responsável pela  organização do WRTC 2010 lançou hoje o site oficial do evento: 


Vale a pena  acompanhar o processo de seleção, regulamento e como será a próxima  Olimpíada do Radioamador.


73, Luc
ZY7C Team member
PY8AZT (also PT7AG, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
LABRE, ARRL, Uirapuru DX Club & Araucaria DX Group Member
Araucaria  mailing  list
Araucaria em araucariadx.com

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