(Araucaria) ALGUEM SE HABILITA ?? _ Help wanted - Language translation of WPX rules

Luc PY8AZT py8azt em dxbrasil.net
Domingo Dezembro 6 09:42:30 BRST 2009

2009/12/5 PT7ZZ, Andre Coelho <pt7zz em fordx.org>:
 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd em charter.net>
> Date: 2009/12/5
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Help wanted - Language translation of WPX rules
> To: cq-contest em contesting.com
> The 2010 WPX Rules have been published to the web site.
> http://www.cqwpx.com/rules.htm
> I am looking for help in translating the rules to as many languages as
> possible.  I am most eager to have the rules translated to Russian,
> Japanese, German, and French.  Please contact me directly if you are able to
> help with these or other languages.

Ola André,

Vamos esperar alguns meses, pois pelo teor das discussões o
regulamento do WPX ainda deve mudar em alguns pontos até a forma
final... mais próximo do contest eu poderei ajudar na tradução.

73, Luc
ZY7C Team member
PT7AG (also PY8AZT, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
LABRE, ARRL, Uirapuru DX Club & ADXG Member
Participe da Lista DXBrasil: dxbrasil+subscribe em googlegroups.com
Website: http://www.dxbrasil.net

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