(Araucaria) JAMAICA( 6Y5 ) no MMAA / 2009 !
ed-py4was em powerline.com.br
Quinta Abril 30 01:54:51 BRT 2009
Prezados Amigos !
Tem mais figurinhas se movimentando para o MMAA / 2009.
Vejam abaixo , o e-mail que recebí desse radioamador da Jamaica.
Em CW , não é toda hora que encontramos esse País dando moleza nas faixas.
Ainda mais em CW e em concursos.
73 , Ed - PY4WAS
2009/4/27 Basil C Davidson <bcdavidson em flowja.com>
I will try to ensure that some members are on the air for the event.
73 , Basil - 6Y5DB
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: py4was <testcwjf em gmail.com>
Date: 2009/4/30
Subject: Re: JAMAICA( 6Y5 ) - rare a Country in CW.
To: bcdavidson em flowja.com
Basil - 6Y5DB !
We of the Direction of the CWJF GROUP and participants go all, to be very HONORED in having this rare Country in CW participating of Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest / 2009.
Thanks a lot for the SUPPORT and SPREADING he enters the radioamateurs of this beautiful Caribbean Country, where he has the athlete fastest of world ( Usain BOLT ).
Also the perpetual singer Bob Marley who the Brazilians adore your music.
73 , Ed - PY4WAS
President of the CWJF
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