(Araucaria) CQWW N1MM Problemas de Cabrillo em Multi One (MS)

Luc, PY8AZT py8azt em dxbrasil.net
Quarta Outubro 22 08:33:56 BRST 2008

Thomas Carlsson escreveu:
> For those that will do CQWW SSB MS this weekend. Cabrillo will not 
> show Run
> and Mult Stn
> The guys at N1MM tell us:
> Wait for upgrade that will come soon or use Version 8.9.6.
> According to the manual, just download and Run (also if you use older
> version).
> Set all networked PCs to Multi One in the Log, Multi User in Config.
> Many thanks to Luc/PY8AZT for the nice Band-plan, have a look at
> http://www.dxbrasil.net/downloads/Plano_de_Bandas_CQWW_SSB_2008.pdf
> Boa sorte
> 73
Ola Thomas et al,

O bug foi originado na versão 8.10.6, veja:
My multi-single, Entry Window status line will now say "Run" or "Mult", 
rather than "Run1" or "Run2". (coded by N2IC)

Depois desse conserto, o cabrillo não indicou mais a origem de cada QSO. 
A proxima versão deve aparecer corretamente.

Portanto, antes do contest vamos atualizar:
1. N1MMLogger superior a 8.10.6 
2. wl_cty.dat mais recente (http://www.country-files.com/cty/wl_cty.dat)
3. master.dta mais recente (http://www.k5zd.com/scp/MASTER.DTA)

Boa sorte a todos.


73, Luc
ZY7C Team member
PT7AG (also PY8AZT, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
LABRE, ARRL, Uirapuru DX Club & Araucaria DX Group Member
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