(Araucaria) ENC: [wwdxc] Re: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, SK

py5eg py5eg em iesa.com.br
Domingo Outubro 12 20:15:58 BRST 2008

Aos amigos da lista uma historia que bem define nosso grande amigo Paolo.

Um abraço




I2UIY, Paolo!

I would like to say a few words about Paolo, our friend. 

In 1984 I became a ham in KL7, and I remember very well running piles all night long into EU... I2UIY was always there!

In 1990, I was invited to the Seattle WRTC at Danny's and flew down from Alaska for the week to witness the big event and hang out with the Team Italy, and most of you... of course I2UIY was there!

During WRTC Seattle, Paolo and Ivan IK2DVG, Team Italy STOPPED in the middle of this Worlds Best Contesting event TO EAT PASTA!  

Imagine for a moment... the contest has been going for hours, the radios are downstairs and buzzing with extreme activity, it's prime time 1990 WRTC!   Meanwhile, Team Italy is upstairs laughing and talking around Danny's round-table about pasta! (maybe radio too).  

These crazy Italians are taking turns stirring and slurp tasting the noodles!  In one scene Ivan is stirring while steam surrounds him, and Paolo explains to us in a reverent tone, as if a professor of the feast, that there are many ways to prepare pasta and that some restaurants in Italy have 1000 versions!  We are all completely taken in by the subject, huddled around the table, as if there is no contest downstairs waiting!  The bubbling water, the perfect noodle, the olive oil, the steam, the stick test, the taste test, this discussion of pasta... all come together to create a perfect pasta!  

I seem to recall that "a contester must eat", and that THE WORLD WAITED while we prepared and ate the pasta!

Paolo had the ability to make us laugh until we cried, and he was one of the guys that taught me to face this passion we have for radio, as a HOBBY!  

Thanks Paolo, may you rest in peace sir, you will be missed, but not forgotten.

73 KL2A

At 07:38 AM 10/12/2008, Dan Eskenazi wrote:

so so saddened to hear this.......

we were so lucky to meet Paolo in 1990, as half of Team Italy in WRTC 
Seattle. It was his first airline trip. We were fortunate to have the 
team staying here at home with us and quickly learned the important 
things in life for Paolo were Humor, Contesting, his Mama, and Great 
Pasta.... not necessarily in that order. That is a great recipe.

Ciao Paolo

Danny & Diane

> I received this sad, but not unexpected, message from Erminio, I2EOW a few minutes ago:
> "I am very sad to inform you that Paolo, I2UIY has died. His mother asked me to inform all his friends. Please don't call her because she does not speak English. If you want to write the address is:
> Liliana Cortese
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