(Araucaria) HA1AH Radioamateur Contest Evaluator Software

py4was py4was em powerline.com.br
Sexta Abril 18 11:38:07 BRT 2008

Prezados Amigos !

Recebí este e-mail e repasso nas listas , para os possíveis interessados.

Bom final de semana a todos.

73's Ed - PY4WAS

 ---------- Forwarded Message -----------
 From: do_not_reply em mrasz.axelero.net
 To: CWJF em powerline.com.br
 Sent: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:16:52 +0200 (CEST)
 Subject: HA1AH Radioamateur Contest Evaluator Software

 Dear OM, dear YL,

I found your e-mail address on the Internet as contact person of a 
radioamateur contest organizer team or at least related to a radioamateur 

 Here I would like to inform you that I've developed a Radioamateur Contest 
Evaluator Software which has the following main features:
 -receives electronic log files
 -evaluates them
 -sends feedback to the sender
 -does cross checks among the logs
 -creates special statistics
 -makes easy sending e-mails to contest participants
 -provides a handy web interface

 Please have a look at the description of the software on my home page:


 73,s Tibor Finta

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