(Araucaria) FJ/OH2AM
Fred Souto Maior
py7zz em soutomaior.eti.br
Quinta Dezembro 27 17:38:25 BRST 2007
Alo pessoal:
Quem trabalhou FJ/OH2AM é bom não enviar logo os qsls + IRCs
ou greens. Os franceses atraves do FJ5BL/F6GOX Presidente do ARP Radio Club
Paris, está pedindo que a operação não seja validada devido a varias
irregularidades (ver texto
abaixo), e que a primeira operação valida seja a de FJ5KH.. Vem confusão
por aí !!!
Fred - PY7ZZ
Laurent BEUGNET Paris 27 december 2007
President of ARP Radio-Club de Paris
To Mr Bill MOORE, NC1L , President of the ARRL DXCC Committee,
Copiy : Mr David SUMNER, K1ZZ, President ot the ARRL.
Object : Examination of the validation criteria of the dxpedition «
FJ/OH2AM » at Saint
Bartholomew from 18 to 27 december 2007 by operators « OH2BH » et « OH0XX ».
Dear friends,
It was brought to the attention of ARRL DXCC committee members the
violations of the
regulations French-CEPT TR/61-01 (sections 2.3 and 3.1) and hence the
requirement for
validation of an expedition settlement of the DXCC ( article III.1), by
amateur radio
"FJ/OH2AM" from 18 to 27.12.2007 at St Bartholomew.
The verification of the evidence submitted was obtained from the
following sources:
Bureau européen des radiocommunications,
Peblingehus, Nansensgade 19,
DK-1366 Copenhague, Danemark.
Ministère des Postes et Communications électroniques / MINEFE / DGE
Monsieur Claude-Robert DELIME
Chef du Bureau de la réglementation
75012 Paris, France
claude-robert.delime em industrie.gouv.fr
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA)
Itämerenkatu 3 A
P.O. Box 313
radiocom em ficora.fi
There would be appear to the DXCC Committee members that these elements
are likely
not to validate this activity "FJ/OH2AM" under regulations established
by the committee.
With my best 73
I. Infringements CEPT TR / 61-01
Use a call sign that the operator does not hold in the country of origin
He was employed by two operators « OH2AM »instead of their home call
sign that they
own in their country of origin, namely « OH2BH » and « OH0XX ». It is a
violation of
section 2.3 of the the CEPT TR 61-01 Nicosia 2003 which states:
«2.3 When transmitting in the visited country the licence holder must
use his national call
sign preceded by the call sign prefix of the visited country as
indicated in Appendices II and IV.
The call sign prefix and the national call sign must be separated by the
character “/” (telegraphy) or
the word “stroke” (telephony). »
Official confirmation from the Ministry of Posts and Electronic
tansaltion of the email from Mr Claude-Robert DELIME :
Objet: Calls precision regulatory amateur
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 08:28:05 +0100
De: Claude-Robert DELIME <claude-robert.delime em industrie.gouv.fr>
Répondre à :: Claude-Robert DELIME <claude-robert.delime em industrie.gouv.fr>
Pour :: <f6gox em free.fr>
Références: <47725A01.5090604 em free.fr> <000d01c847ce
$0e660060$12a522a0 em digitip.alize> <4772767D.906 em free.fr>
« Hello,
I can assure you in response to your question that the use of a code
other than the one assigned to
his country of origin by his administration is not allowed.
It is known to the committee DXCC it is a criminal offense to clear
regulatory French
national, non-compliance with statutory requirements under Article L33-3
code postal
and electronic communications, with penalties under Article L39-1 code
postal and
electronic communications that are applicable. It was not desired by the
local radio
undermine the judiciary to both foreign visitors.
Use a call sign not have a reciprocity CEPT TR 61-01
The prefix used "OH2AM" is awarded to a Radio-Club.
The indicative Radio-Club not receiving reciprocity CEPT. It is a breach
of section 3.1 of
the english version of the CEPT TR 61/01, which states:
« 3. 1 The equivalence between the CEPT licence and national licences in
CEPT countries is given in Appendix
Only licenses OH Class Y, P and T are CEPT. C licenses out side Finland
are not allowed.
II. Offense criteria for validation program DXCC
The rules for accreditation of DXCC in his point III.1 have not been met.
The settlement of DXCC, in his point III.1 shows:
« Conversely, findings by a host government indicating non-compliance
with their
amateur radio regulations may cause denial or revocation of accreditation. »
As a result of non-compliance with applicable regulations Radio France,
in sections 2.3
and 3.1 of CEPT TR 61-01, it is requested that the committee DXCC not
validate the
activity « FJ/OH2AM » by the strict application of Article III.1.
III. Confusion among radio amateurs on the source codes
It appears in the callbook Finnish legibly:
The station OH2AM is a radio-club and not an individual.
Or even not to disguise the fraudulent use of an indicative radio-club
that the information
contained on the website QRZ.COM were changed the day before the start
of the
operation, which is December 17 by the qsl manager OH2BN?
The holder of OH2AM is shown with the same references as the holder of
OH2BN, billed
as QSL manager of this activity.
If we were even more evidence to the committee DXCC the ARRL to be
believed, one can
only wonder about the reasons that led this indicative Radio-Club to
suddenly become
that of a natural person, qsl manager this expedition?
It is illegal in France to use the prefix "FJ/OH2AM" whether a
radio-club or absence of the
operator « OH2AM » or « OH2BN » who was not on the spot.
This was indeed the case because the operators were at St Bartholomew
holders stations
« OH2BH » and « OH0XX ».
It would be desirable, given the very strong feelings raised by the
conditions of this
activity, the committee's DXCC the ARRL does not endorse a breach of the
legislation and thus its own rule III.1 of DXCC Award.
It is requested that the committee DXCC the ARRL not validate the
activity "FJ/OH2AM."
It is requested that the committee DXCC that the first operation "FJ"
valid under the new
country DXCC No. 338 is that of "FJ5KH" Radio-Club of St. Bartholomew.
Notes :
« OH2AM » is a Radio-Club, « OH-DX-Ring Ry », PL 73, 02381 ESPOO.
« OH2AM » was updated the 17.12.07 sur QRZ.COM « Jarmo J. Jaakola,
30, HELSINKI FI-00710, FINLAND », sames words than « OH2BN ».
« OH0XX » is OLLI RISSANEN, Apartado 0860-00432, Villa Lucre, Panamá,
Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão Araucaria