(Araucaria) 7O - Yemen
pt7wa em oi.com.br
Sexta Agosto 10 06:30:44 BRT 2007
Oi FRED: É uma boa notícia embora quem precise fique com um pé atrás. O
Chris diz no texto que tem autorização por escrito mas provavelmente não
apresentar o que o DXCC exige. Estranho, não? Só falando com aqueles que
tem "autorização bocal" e validam a operação. Uma pena que só operará em Fo=
73 de Luciano PT7WA
Fred Souto Maior escreveu:
> Alo pessoal:
> Vejam ai as novidades sobre 7O.
> 73
> Fred - PY7ZZ
> 7O - Yemen <http://dx-is.com/news/?p=54>
> August 9th, 2007
> Chris Lorek, G4HCL, has authorized me to inform everyone that he plans
> to be active from Sana, Yemen, once again as 7O/G4HCL from Monday 13
> August until early on Wednesday 15 August. Chris has written permission
> and official authority to operate on all HF amateur bands under
> supervised conditions, but warns that it may or may not be possible to
> obtain the specific documentation that satisfies DXCC requirements. WFWL!
> This is NOT A DXpedition but a business trip, and operation will
> therefore only be when possible and is only likely to be for short
> periods at a time. Chris will be using 1kW to a professional biconical
> monopole communications antenna. Activity will be SSB only, and probably
> only on 20m (look between 14170 and 14260kHz). QSL information for this
> operation is direct only to G4HCL,PO Box 400, Eastleigh SO53 4ZF, UK.
> If Chris is able to get on the air for extended periods, this should
> certainly liven up the bands a little as a prelude to our operation!
> 73,
> Steve, 9M6DXX
> icon for podpress
> <http://dx-is.com/news/wp-content/uploads/7o-g4hcl.mp3> 7O - Yemen
> [7:43m]: Hide Player <#> | Play in Popup <#> | Download
> <http://dx-is.com/news/wp-content/uploads/7o-g4hcl.mp3>
> Posted in DX News <http://dx-is.com/news/?cat=3>
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